GMCoin Token
Main Stages for
Token Distribution & Sale
First Stage Sale for Private and Retail Investors
We have opened up GMCoin first stage Sale for Private and Retail Investors with 0.07 USDT. The sales were held between 16-22 August. A total of 9.165.625 GMCoin has been raised which covers %76 of the slot (12.000.000 GMC). Thank you!
Second Stage Sale for Private and Retail Investors
GMCoin second stage Sale for Private and Retail Investors continued with 0.08 USDT. The sales were held between 23-29 August. A total of 10.065.835 GMCoin has been raised which covers %83 of the slot (12.000.000 GMC). Thank you!
Third Stage Sale for Private and Retail Investors
Lastly, 14.000.000 GMCoin has been issued for sale and 11.921.780 GMcoin raised (%85) from 0.09 USDT between 30 August - 3 September. Thank you!